Search Results “Strict Liability”

Strict Liability and the Road Share campaign

…is an important distinction and one that is often missed by critics of Strict Liability. This new campaign to apply the principles of strict liability to road traffic collisions is…

Something about bicycle lanes, strict liability etc.

…such as speed reduction, strict liability, giving priority to those going ahead over those turning major to minor i.e. left (or right if you are in one of those places…

In support of Motion S4M-07934 on Strict Liability

OK so its not the snappiest of titles, but this post has a serious point, I have long been in favour of a law of stricter liability being included in…

The real problems created with increasing liability for drivers?

…to understand the difference between liability and culpability. Strict liability only applies in civil cases where the ‘innocent until proven guilty’ principle does not typically apply. In fact, strict liability

Fairness and liability on the roads

liability, whereby the burden of proof is reversed and the accused has to prove that the accuser behaved negligently. Strict liability applies where there is likely to be an imbalance…

The use of the roads and moral hazard

…but because he is in control of a source of danger to other people’s lives, health or property” Strict Liability is not about criminal culpability, it is about civil liability….

Fairness and liability on the roads: part 3

…for road traffic accidents but against the introduction of strict liability. A no-fault scheme did not subsequently materialise, but the rejection of strict liability did prevail. This has in essence,…

Cycling is not dangerous – it’s bad driving

In the past I have written a number of posts about Strict Liability, It is something which I strongly feel is important as evidence from cycling groups on the Continent…

Onus should be on the cyclists?

…23 July 2013 ONCE again the strict liability law is being peddled with the aim of protecting cyclists and pedestrians (Agenda, The Herald, July 19). The writer, Brenda Mitchell, states…

Manifesto suggestions for active travel

…the US Secretary of Transportation. If the Americans can do it, why can’t we? Here are a few more suggestions: Strict liability, this is common in most western European countries,…

Let Scotland lead the rest of the UK by moving to presumed liability for vulnerable road users

…Law to respect and protect the vulnerable in society by moving to a system of presumed liability. This change will support pedestrians and cyclists injured in road traffic collisions. All…

Cyclists must help themselves?

…form of “strict liability”. Why is it that the opponents of the current campaign for introduction presumed liability in Scots civil law, are not holding up Romania as a beacon…

Fairness and liability on the roads: part 2

Having written to my Westminster MP about Fairness and liability on the roads and received a reply that justice is devolved to the jurisdiction of the Scottish Parliament. I decided…

Thoughts on the Ghost Bikes

…about safe driving. What brought about this change? The use of the legal system to change driver behaviour, the introduction of the strictest Strict Liability laws in Europe (note: the…

Isn’t it time to end the Taliban approach to road safety?

…Transport choose not to deal with the real issue? Why is the UK one of only five countries in Europe which does not have a law of strict liability? We…

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