Tag City of Edinburgh

The Edinburgh Festival of Cycling 2016 is coming

With the fourth outing of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling just under two weeks away there is a lot to look froward to, here is a very brief snap shot: There is cycling journalist Laurence McJannet who will be talking… Continue Reading →

Vote For Edinburgh: MONOPOLY Here and Now

I am taking a lead from EdinBlogger to become part of the campaign to put Edinburgh on the Board, the Monopoly Board that is. MONOPOLY’s 80th birthday is fast approaching, to celebrate they will be creating an updated global board,… Continue Reading →

City of Edinburgh Councillors and twitter: Updated

If you spot any errors, please let me know, I am also on Twitter @kim_harding. This post is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 Generic License.

Thoughts on the Spokes Hustings

I was at the Spokes Hustings the other night and since then I have had a number of thoughts about it churning through my mind, and so have decided to write them down here. It was good to hear that… Continue Reading →

City of Edinburgh Councillors who have a Blog

As part of doing my bit for local democracy I though I would follow up my list of City of Edinburgh Councillors with Twitter accounts with a list of Councillors who have a blog, not all are active: If you… Continue Reading →

City of Edinburgh Councillors and twitter

If you spot any errors, please let me know, I am also on Twitter @kim_harding. With the May 2012 elections coming up Dan Phillips has created this Twitter List of all the City of Edinburgh Council candidates he can find…. Continue Reading →

A message to Edinburgh Councillors on 2012/13 transport budget [Final update]

Following Edinburgh City councillors taking a remarkable decision on cycling investment in the Council 2012/13 budget, which set a completely new standard for other councils. In which they decided that 5% of of the transport capital budget will be invested… Continue Reading →


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