Tag bicycle safety

Road safety and the definition of insanity

So far, this week there have been three serious crashes in Edinburgh (and it is only Friday) which is not good news. Then on seeing a tweet this morning my heart sank further. The tweet spoke of influencing “culture change… Continue Reading →

Let Scotland lead the rest of the UK by moving to presumed liability for vulnerable road users

The UK was the first country in the world to require drivers of motor vehicles to have insurance. When the Road Traffic Act (1930) introduced compulsory third-party insurance, it was intended to provide a means of assured compensation for the… Continue Reading →

The politics of cycle clothing

I was at the Cycling Scotland conference and tried to do a bit of live tweeting. Derek MacKay MSP stated in his speech that he prefers not to be photographed in hi-viz, to which I tweeted: #csconf15 @DerekMackayMSP is a… Continue Reading →

Cyclists must help themselves?

Hardly a week goes by without another victim blaming letter to the papers, the latest was entitled Cyclists must help themselves (quoted below in full): Wearing a helmet while cycling may be a “peripheral issue”, according to W Henderson (Promote… Continue Reading →

“Motorists and cyclists should both live up to their responsibilities” a reply

The following letter was published in The Herald on Monday 28 July 2014 from a Mr Stewart of Cumbernauld: I NOTE with interest your report on the sentencing of drivers convicted of killing cyclists (“Motorists who kill cyclists let off… Continue Reading →

In support of Motion S4M-07934 on Strict Liability

OK so its not the snappiest of titles, but this post has a serious point, I have long been in favour of a law of stricter liability being included in the Scottish legal code. When Brenda Mitchell started her campaign… Continue Reading →

An open letter on the Nice Way Code

I was among the “key stakeholders” who were consulted on the Nice Way Code advertising campaign, I strongly advised against the approach taken and tried to warn them that it was likely to result in a backlash from many ordinary… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on the Ghost Bikes

Yesterday I was at Holyrood for the placing of two Ghost Bikes outside the Scottish Parliament. There was also a Tombstone showing the numbers of people who have been killed while riding a bicycle on Scotland’s roads over the last… Continue Reading →

Onus should be on the cyclists?

Following the death of yet another cyclist on Scotland roads I was deeply saddened to see the following letter in The Herald newspaper: Onus should be on the cyclists Tuesday 23 July 2013 ONCE again the strict liability law is… Continue Reading →

Strict Liability and the Road Share campaign

For some time now, I have been in favour of a law of Strict Liability. This defines who is liable when collisions occur on the roads. So I was pleased to learn that a Peebles lawyer, Brenda Mitchell, had started… Continue Reading →

Dutch cycle infrastructure and what we can learn

As readers of this blog will know, I have had an interest in how to get more people to use bicycles as transport for some time now. So when I saw this film on the subject I knew it was… Continue Reading →

Thoughts on the Spokes Hustings

I was at the Spokes Hustings the other night and since then I have had a number of thoughts about it churning through my mind, and so have decided to write them down here. It was good to hear that… Continue Reading →

A proposed eight point manifesto for safer cycling

The Times has launched a public campaign and 8-point manifesto calling for cities to be made fit for cyclists: Lorries entering a city centre should be required by law to fit sensors, audible turning alarms, extra mirrors and safety bars… Continue Reading →

How the Dutch got their cycle paths

Ever wondered why it is that the Netherlands came to have such great transport infrastructure? I have, so I was pleased to find this wee video which explains how the Dutch got such a cycle friendly counrty. Note that in… Continue Reading →

Introducing the Dutch Cycling Embassy

Ever wonder how the Dutch came to have Cycling For Everyone? Well this wee video from the Dutch Cycling Embassy how they got to where they are now and why they feel they have something worth exporting to the rest… Continue Reading →

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