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Master of Philosophy: Thesis abstract
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Dual boot Linux/XP Toshiba laptop.
the ubiquitous blog
Master of Philosophy thesis
Potential movement of mountain vegetation zones in Scotland under predicted climatic change
. A thesis presented for the degree of Master of Philosophy.
Preface to Thesis
Thesis Chapter 1
Introduction: Evidence for climatic shifts in mountain vegetation etc.
Thesis Chapter 2
Potential for plants to move in a changing climate - A study of mountain vegetation and seed dispersal.
Thesis Chapter 3
Effects of environmental manipulation of local climate on plant interaction.
Thesis Chapter 4
Appendix to Thesis
My Other Publications
the ubiquitous blog
About Page
Contact me
Photos Page
Cycling touring & routes
Cycle training
Computing related
Edinburgh Living
Environment and Ecology
Odds & Sods
Half bike problem – gathering the bits
Trivial fact for today: No. 4
New pedals
Trivial fact for today: No. 3
Another new set of wheels
Waiting for the Triffids
Half bike problem (again)
First bat of the year 2024
PeerTube test
Guten Rutsch!
Some thoughts on cycle route signage
The World’s Largest Landowners
Testing security
Good night Vienna and a Nightingale sang at Laxenburg Bahnhof
Inn beaver update
First bat of the year 2023
How to type a degree symbol ° in Linux
Beavering down the Inn
Now on Mastodon
A time to come and a time to go
City of Edinburgh Councillors and twitter: 2022
The annual painting of Salisbury Crags
First bat of the year 2022
To EuroBike and Back: a continental journey (part 4) Bludenz to Friedrichshafen
Octopus Energy and GB News
Phone call from “Microsoft”
First bat sighting of 2021
The Climate clock is ticking
Road safety and the definition of insanity
To EuroBike and Back: a continental journey (part 3) Arnhem to Austria
City of Edinburgh Councillors and twitter: 2020
First bat of 2020
Quick though about time in quarantine
To EuroBike and Back: a continental journey (part 2) Utrecht – Hoge Veluwe – Arnhem
To EuroBike and Back: a continental journey (part 1) Ijmuiden – Amsterdam – Utrechtpost name
Happy 2019!
How to undermine a Bill with loopholes
Call for a pavement parking ban in Scotland
And finally, the 1st bat of the year
From Montecatini to the Marsh Land of Fucecchio (MTB tour day two)
Tuscany calling, an MTB tour (day one)
Not so slow tour of Milan (part 2)
Not so slow tour of Milan (part 1)
The Edinburgh Festival of Cycling 2016 is coming
Asking the candidates where stand on Active Travel
Pending Tax Refund?
The Edinburgh Cycle Challenge
Let Scotland lead the rest of the UK by moving to presumed liability for vulnerable road users
The politics of cycle clothing
The Volkswagen scandal \u2013 who has really been harmed?
First Bat of year 2015
Katie rides to School
Why 20mph is plenty for Edinburgh (and other places)
Vote For Edinburgh: MONOPOLY Here and Now
How one simple thing changed my life
A Quick chance for more cycle cash in Scotland?
What do horses say? Hello
Pesticides and reporting on the EU
And finally...
Cycle parking, things are finally moving on...
Getting inspiration from Dublin
Cyclists must help themselves?
"Motorists and cyclists should both live up to their responsibilities" a reply
Keep active, keep healthy
Do cyclists really need more insurance?
So you want to start a festival of cycling?
Trivial fact for today: No. 2
Riding the flying bathtub
Some public bike hire schemes in Europe
Cycling is not dangerous \u2013 it\u2019s bad driving
A sunny cycle to Seton
Why we need #PoP2014
First bat of 2014
Earth Hour 2014
Beware the Companies House e-mail
It really is time to put the brakes on climate change
What is Bicycle Travel?
Every Kilometre Cycled Benefits Society
Absam the village of the Olympians?
The use of the roads and moral hazard
It is time to stop the killing on our roads
Night Ride along Hadrian\u2019s Wall
Grow Wild Update
The real problems created with increasing liability for drivers?
In support of Motion S4M-07934 on Strict Liability
Grow Wild
A short ride around an inland sea
Once more onto Freiburg
A short walk on the Emperor's Chair
Notes on a short tour on the mainland of Europe
Finally 20 mph limit to go ahead across Edinburgh
An open letter on the Nice Way Code
Time to end the myth of road tax
Thoughts on the Ghost Bikes
Onus should be on the cyclists?
Comment spammer offers to help you with spam
Denmark's Bicycle Ambassador to present keynote talk to the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling
After PoP what next?
It's not far, so leave the car.
It is time to stop the victim blaming!
Strict Liability and the Road Share campaign
Always backup before carrying out maintenance or changes
Proposed parking experiment in Edinburgh
A wish ye were here...
Biking in Amsterdam
An open letter to my MSPs
Where did Spring go?
A cycle bloggers conference?
Hints of Spring
A solution to the ASL problem?
Pedal on Parliament II, launched
Pedal on Parliament, let's do it again
Return of the Tri
Happy New Year!!
Dutch cycle infrastructure and what we can learn
How much space should you give a cyclist when overtaking?
A winter light over Craigmillar
The QBC to Leith Walk, where did it all go wrong?
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2012
Shutting the stable door, thoughts on ash dieback and other pathogens
The BBC and the myth of "road tax"
Open letter to MSPs on Active Travel
Gifford for lunch?
Cycle parking in Edinburgh, where have we got to?
Beware Notice of Tax Return e-mail
Get the right mix
Will we get a Golden Legacy?
Down Dumfriesshire way (Part 2)
Down Dumfriesshire way (Part 1)
High-viz vests a must for cyclists?
Cyclorama #1
Thoughts on the A9
A few images of the "Quality Bike Corridor" Edinburgh
Thoughts on the Quality Bike Corridor
What are 20mph speed limit for?
City of Edinburgh Councillors and twitter: Updated
Little and large: a short story...
How we came to Pedal on Parliament
Only days to go before the Pedal on Parliament: time for action!
Of on street parking and bus/cycle lanes
British cycling success comes at a price
Thoughts on the Spokes Hustings
First bats of the year
Rattling cages
An accidental revolution
The strange case of the Kilt Maker, the Scientist and the Air Pollutant
A proposed Eight point manifesto for safer cycling
City of Edinburgh Councillors who Blog
City of Edinburgh Councillors and twitter
A message to Edinburgh Councillors on 2012/13 transport budget [Final update]
Pre budget letter to list MSPs and replies
An open letter to Alex Salmond MSP on active travel
How do you get more people to ride bicycles
The Cargo Bike Club idea revisited
A Saturday in January
A storm in December
First snow of winter
Edinburgh in November
A new set of wheels
Shopping: a reply
An open letter to Marco Biagi MSP
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2011
Alpine Cycle Chic part 2: Bozen/Bolzano
Alpine Cycle Chic part 1: Innsbruck
How the Dutch got their cycle paths
Bringing home the pumpkin harvest\u2026 2011
Introducing the Dutch Cycling Embassy
Look! No hands...
Trivial fact for today: No. 1
The UN Decade on Biodiversity 2011-2020
Whither the ozone hole?
Changing times for the Cycling Tourism
On yer bike... words from Will Self
Edinburgh in August
Should wearing cycle helmets be compulsory?
James Cracknell and the cycle helmet company
Edinburgh 20 mph speed limit zone gets the go-ahead
The Mayor of Vilnius find solution to cars parked in cycle lanes
Say no to ridiculous car trips
Edinburgh in July
Slowed down...
An evening in July
The way back from Broughton
Dog leg to Broughton
Unicyclists in Edinburgh
Which would be more like to get you to ride?
Edinburgh in June
Strange voice in the early morning
More on Edinburgh\u2019s proposed 20mph speed limit
Bicycle Polo in Festival Square, Edinburgh
Yehuda Moon Cartoons
Life is more beautiful by bicycle
Another climate science rap
The Sacred Driving Licence
Something about bicycle lanes, strict liability etc.
Tax Refund Notification
Tay to the Clyde - Part 3: Aberfoyle to Glasgow
Tay to the Clyde - Part 2: Killin to Aberfoyle
Tay to the Clyde - Part 1: Perth to Killin
Fear, loathing, and cycle campaigning
What's the story with Nitrogen?
Climate Change: breaking the barriers to a low-carbon Scotland
Climate Week. 21-27 March 2011
Manifesto suggestions for active travel revisited
Fairness and liability on the roads: part 3
Fairness and liability on the roads: part 2
Fairness and liability on the roads
The things the car ads forget to show
Complaint to the BBC
Normal service resumed
Are cyclist at greater risk from air pollution?
A Saturday in January
Cycling Sucks
A modest proposal
Escape to the Pentlands (again)
Happy New Year!
Time for change?
Ski touring Arthur's Seat
Cycling and the culture of fear, don't panic!
It had to be done...
Cargo bike culture?
Are our streets for people?
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
20mph speed limit proposals - South Edinburgh
Mapping cycling routes
Isn't it time to end the Taliban approach to road safety?
300 Years of fossil fuelled growth in 5 minutes
New Idea: the Cargo Bike Club
Bringing home the harvest\u2026 (part 2) the BIG pumpkin
Phone call from the "Technical Department of Windows"
Bike build project (part 6): Finishing off and finally riding the thing!
Dreaming of Brocken spectre spotting
BotSoc winter lecture programme
More on cycle parking...
Blasted back from Duns
Great Grey Shrike in Edinburgh?
Spinning down to Duns
Bike build project (part 5): Putting it all together
Robin Hood Tax, anyone?
Bike build project (part 4): Buying the bits
Arthur's Seat Challenge II
Bike build project (part 3): A new set of wheels
Coasts and Castles, a ride along the NCN1/76 (Part 3): Dunbar to Edinburgh
Coasts and Castles, a ride along the NCN1 (Part 2): Fenwick to Dunbar
Coasts and Castles, a ride along the NCN1 (Part 1): Alnmouth to Fenwick
Bike build project (part 2): Gathering bits
New Edinburgh Wildlife Website
Flattened by flu
Bimbling through the Borders (Pt 2) - Galashiels to Edinburgh
Bimbling through the Borders (Pt 1) - Berwick to Galashiels
Gadding down to Gladhouse
First bird to sing
Bumbling about Bute - Day 1
Bumbling about Bute - Day 2
Bumbling about Bute - Day 3
Crisscrossing in the Lothians
Bike build project (part 1): One and a half bikes
New Bot Soc web site open for business
A storm in a tea cup over climatic change
Evicting squatters
Spinning earth plugin
More junk mail
Deer in Scotland, part 2
Manifesto suggestions for active travel
Cycle parking, please can we have more... part2
Leithers sign the Pledge ...
Some thoughts on cycling safety
Electoral reform, what are they afraid of?
Google Chrome
Of tram tracks and cyclists
A question for the climate sceptics
Project Honey Pot receives its 1 billionth spam message
Climate Change Rap
How green is your daily journey?
Your views wanted on Active Travel
Bright lights for dark nights
The Koala climbs
Give cyclists room
Eight days to go...
Thanks Microsfoft, that is another good reason to use Linux!
Two firsts today
Caption contest
You don't pay tax...
Cycle parking, please can we have more...
Ötztaler Cycle Marathon
Death on the road
Edinburgh is the best place to live in Britain!
Playing Russian Roulette at Il Positano
Personal Computer World RIP
Edinburgh St Andrews Bike Ride 2009
Over the hills from Bathgate
Back from the Border
A gentle breeze to the Border
Once more into the Lothians
Are you sitting comfortably?
A short walk in the Lammermuirs
First bat of the year
A Spring breeze through East Lothian
Cycle helmets
Some recent software experiences
New biking toys
Happy New Year...
More about lights...
Shine on you crazy ruby...!
Tales of the Tirol, part 2: Into the Karwendel
Tales of the Tirol, part 1: a short ride to Fallbach
Let there be light
Friday blues...
Why no posts?
Firefox 3 Released
What a way to spend a Wednesday...
Firefox 3 is coming
Cycle Round Arran (Part 2)
Machrie Moor Circuit
Cycle Round Arran (Part 1)
Cycle hire in Edinburgh
Balerno or bust
One swallow
Looking longingly at maps
Junk mail
Persian carpet, part 2
What's the hurry?
Is it that time of year again, already!
Arthur's Seat Challenge
Cycle, lights, action...
House move
T de F
Cycle touring is now fashionable
Roads are for cars!??
Bloggers Block
Interest rates
Flickr whips a storm
Random quote
Who is Kim Harding?
Firefox increasingly popular across Europe
Clipless moment
Escape to the Pentlands
The morning after the day before
A short pedal in the Trossachs
Dell preload Linux
Slave to the machine
Lets cycle around an island
Food waste and climate change
Near clipless moment
House hunting in Edinburgh
The illusion of Freedom
The Mozilla Manifesto
Blog move
Heavy Snow
Apologies for interruption in service
What ever happened to Acid Rain?
Firefox 2 wins wins Best software
Frustrated skier
Welcome Daniel Dragosits
Gone skiing
Cycling in high winds
New cycling toy (part 2)
New cycling
Edinburgh Hogmanay
On cycle commuting
Winter is here...
Persian carpet
Browser security
Germans bring fish market to Aberdeen
Congratulations to Meg and Ken on their wedding.
Countries which I have visited...
Green Taxes
Deer in Scotland
First post
Other Pages
My bikes
My Norco Volante bike
My Genesis Croix de Fer
css table example
Google Maps Edinburgh
Energy usage comparison for lights
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The "Google PageRank" is near dead, so I am not sure why I am still doing this.